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Advertise with Job Express

If you are looking for a highly qualified pool of candidates for a facilities management opening, Job Express can help you. Job Express is an extremely popular and regularly visited site by facilities professionals interested in campus positions related to senior facilities administration, design and construction, facilities planning and management, business operations, custodial and landscaping, energy management and utilities, campus sustainability, the maintenance trades, and much more.

Your ad will be posted online where it can be seen by thousands of facilities professionals who access APPA’s website every week. The Job Express audience consists of professional facilities managers in senior executive-level positions, individuals who are transitioning from the military with extensive facilities, engineering, and project management experience, graduate and undergraduate students in FM, graduates of APPA’s Institute for Facilities Management, and recipients of APPA’s professional credential, the Certified Educational Facilities Professional (CEFP).

Ad Rates (Up to 8 Weeks):

All ads appear in one format for one low cost and are hosted online for eight weeks. All ads must be prepaid online. [Note that the price you pay for your Job Express ad is for the initial posting, regardless of how long you keep it online.] You can add email and website links so that applicants can reach you at the click of a button.

Bonus exposure: In addition to the weekly postings online, your ad will appear in a weekly ebulletin of Job Express listings to more than 17,000 APPA members and followers, further spreading the word about your advertised position.

APPA Member
Up to 500 words in length = $561
501-800 words = $803
Maximum length is 800 words.

Up to 500 words in length = $715
501-800 words = $957
Maximum length is 800 words.

Recruiting Firms:
We welcome your business on Job Express. After acquiring your APPA username, contact Steve Glazner to be added to the recruiters list. Thereafter, you’ll be billed the APPA member rate for your job listing, regardless of your client’s membership status with APPA. No other agency discounts are provided.

Ads are due every Friday by 4:00 p.m. Eastern. Material is posted online the following Monday morning. Both member and nonmember rates include eight weeks of posting, web or email links, and free access to APPA’s Resume Bank for the eight-week posting period. Posted ads may be terminated before the end of the eight weeks for no charge at the advertisers request, should the position be filled before the end of the ad run. Changes to posted advertisements can be made at any time via your myJobExpress account.

You may login to your myAPPA account at If you don’t have an APPA login, you can easily create your own account by completing the information at Contact Suzanne Healy for assistance with your APPA login.

All Job Express ads must be paid in advance via credit card. If an ad is canceled before the ad posts on Monday at 9:00 a.m. Eastern, a $50 cancellation fee will apply. Ads canceled after the Monday posting date will be charged the full ad amount.

How to Post Your Jobs

APPA’s Job Express system allows you to use your regular APPA login to post jobs. Please note: When submitting your ad, be sure to use your Chrome, Firefox, or Safari browser. Job Express does not support Internet Explorer.

Post Your Job Here
(This requires an APPA userid number or username and password. If you do not have an account, please click to set up your own user account.)

Have a question? Email Steve Glazner at [email protected].