Following your full preparation and completion of the CEFP curriculum, the examination will be made available to you online through Kryterion, our internationally recognized online testing platform provider. The ease and convenience of the Kryterion platform provides you with a variety of options to test, either in the comfort of your own home or elsewhere: here are a variety of options when taking your exam.
Kryterion Testing Center Proctored – Test at a local Kryterion testing center staffed with professional proctors. Simply select a location and schedule your exam. On exam day, simply arrive with your exam confirmation email and two forms of ID, simple four-point calculator, pen or pencil and you’ll be ready to go! The proctor will sign in and launch your exam for you!
Webcam Proctored – On campus or at home, utilizing a remote online Kryterion proctor via internal or external webcam. This option is great if you like to test alone, with no one else in the room. It will be necessary to check first to make sure your computer meets the hardware and software requirements. It is recommended to use a personal computer (non-work-related) and network to ensure your exam can be launched successfully. You will need to take your enrollment photo, set your camera placement and test your computer prior to your exam date.
Campus Testing Proctored – Test on your campus or at home, using a proctor of your choice*. No travel! No stress! You can select any person not currently in the CEFP course who is willing and able to be in the same room and monitor you during the entire 4 hours you are allowed to take your exam. They must agree to perform specific tasks required by all APPA Proctors to ensure the exam is not compromised. The Proctor Requirements (download PDF below) can be shared with this person so they will know what is expected of them. Once Kelly Ostergrant has been notified of your proctor’s name and email address, they will receive information on how to launch your exam. Currently active CEFP course participants are not allowed to serve as proctors.
*When selecting your own proctor to use on your campus or place of work, you must contact Kelly Ostergrant at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled exam.