Each individual should begin or continue their role with a passion for the work of their chosen committee and provide support for the vice president and other committee members alike. As with other APPA committees, there is the expectation of full participation (thoughtful and meaningful engagement) in all committee activities. These activities include monthly conference calls, subcommittee assignments, and two annual face-to-face meetings. Generally, the two face-to-face meetings occur as follows: one in January at APPA’s expense, and one in July/August immediately prior to APPA’s annual conference at the committee member institution’s expense.
Institutional support of the individual’s engagement and attendance is vital for committee members to function effectively in their appointed roles. Monthly reports (either verbally, but preferably in writing) should be submitted to the regional president/board to keep them apprised of committee activities. Committee members should attend their regional conferences and present to their regional boards and/or attendees a comprehensive report on committee activities and initiatives, and possibly write an article for their regional newsletter or website.
If for some reason the regional committee member is unable to attend one of the face-to-face meetings, he or she should arrange with their regional board president for a substitute attendee to be selected to ensure a balance of representation and continued flow of information to the committee and the regional board. Each committee member should also stay in close communication with their regional board president as to the status of their term on their committee to ensure highly qualified replacements are identified well in advance of the expiration of the member’s term.
In like manner, each committee member should take an active role in finding and educating their replacement in the work of the committee to date (e.g., orientation/briefing material; transfer of any background information and records, etc.). Finally, each committee member should commit to his or her own continuous professional development and actively engage in cultivating the APPA community of professionals.