Recommendations and Actions
Summary of Work Accomplished
Phase I
The Task Force held its first meeting on October 26, 2021, meeting once every three weeks throughout the remainder of the calendar year. Due to the COVID pandemic, these meetings were held in a virtual format.
The first task was focused on establishing and gaining consensus on a shared set of definitions for the terms of “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” The Task Force then conducted a SWOT analysis of the current state to inform possible steps for APPA to advance DEI. Sub-groups of the Task Force further clarified and finalized the DEI definitions; recommended associated short-term actions; and completed a public-facing DEI Statement of Commitment for APPA Board consideration and formal adoption. This work was informed by reviewing other organizations’ statements and identifying best practices.
In early 2022, the Task Force delivered its Phase I report to the APPA Board of Directors for their consideration. report included a recommendation to adopt a formal DEI Statement of Commitment for APPA as well as DEI definition of terms (included in the full report as Appendix A) which the Board approved in February 2022. (For more information, link to Statement of Commitment & Definition of Terms – D.E.I.)
Summary of Work Accomplished
Phase II & Final Recommendations
Following the Board’s adoption of the Phase I Report, the Task Force next turned its attention to developing long-term goals and recommended actions for the Board and professional staff to make meaningful progress in support of this initiative. To expedite this work, the Task Force met in April 2022 for a two-day, in-person meeting in Alexandria, VA, engaging the facilitation support of Terri Dautcher, a Senior Consultant with the National Association of College and University Business Officers. Terri’s extensive experience working with leadership teams on organizational change management; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and operational and structural changes, made her an invaluable resource to the Task Force during this intensive two-day session.
Over those two days, the recommendations of the Task Force developed into five strategic areas:
- Volunteer Recruitment, Retention, and Leadership Activities
- Professional Staff and Board
- Policies, Procedures and Award Criteria
- Member-facing Offerings and Brand Promise, Identity, and Messaging
- Training, Assessment, and Continuous Improvement (universally applies to all strategies and associated actions)
For each strategic area, the Task Force identified specific actions and tasks that we believe will lead to meaningful gains in becoming a more diverse and equitable association while simultaneously ensuring sustained progress in creating an organizational climate that is inclusive and welcoming to all. Where possible, these actions also include target timeframes for implementation and potential person(s) responsible. These recommendations have been organized into a document, entitled Final Summary of Actions and Tasks (included in the full report as Appendix B).
Recommended Foundational Actions for Prioritization
The Task Force recognizes that the list of actions and tasks is extensive and will take time to fully implement. As such, ten actions and corresponding tasks have been identified by the Task Force as recommended foundational elements for the Board and APPA staff to focus on initially as they undertake this work. Together, these ten actions cut across the five strategic areas and identify actions to be taken by the APPA Board and professional staff will be modified as needed and based on other operational priorities or constraints. (For more detail on these Foundational Actions follow this link…)